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PrintBoss Release dated 09/06/2011 Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 765

Posts: 765
1. Added the ability to archive by document number range from the Transfer Records dialog box. Note: the document number range can only be numerical values, such as a check number.

2. Added the ability to suppress the Archive, Email and/or Fax Service Dialogs when processing documents.

3. Work and Archive File Name Suffix (including the path) are truncated to 120 characters to avoid processing errors.

4. SourceTray is now a variable that can be assigned in the PrintBoss form. This can be used as a command for Postive Pay files so these PosPay files can be assigned dynamically from the form when needed.

5. The new CASE substitution function can pass U/L/P for:
U = UPPER CASE {CSV: «{Case:'upPer case','U'}»} In this example the output will be: UPPER CASE.
L = lower case {CSV: «{Case:'lowEr case','L'}»} In this example the output will be: lower case.
P = Proper Case {CSV: «{Case:'proPer case','P'}»} In this example the output will be: Proper Case.

6. 'Hold Records' is a new Work File/Browse option which will move records to a new Work file with the same name appended with '-Hold'. To use this option select specific records from the Work file/ Browse window, right click and choose 'Hold Records." Use this option to temporarily suspend printing for specific records during a review process while printing the remainder of the batch.

7. Email subject information was previously being saved to sbjbdy.ini but was being read from sbjmsg.ini. This has been fixed.

8. A BankData Access error message was misleading. It has been changed to indicate a possibly corrupt PrintBoss Work file. When this message appears, most likely the Work file has grown too large. Steps to remedy could be either to archive or delete older records.
<em>edited by Nancy on 9/12/2011</em>
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