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Modifying Forms

Send copies to different printer trays? Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 3

Posts: 3
I know that I can configure PrintBoss in which I can set up a PrintBoss form (such as an invoice) in which it prints multiple copies of the document, and each copy says something different on the bottom.

For example, let’s say I use PrintBoss to print an invoice in which three copies are printed of each invoice: The first copy will say “Customer Copy” on the bottom, the second copy will say “Warehouse Copy” and the third copy will say “Account Copy”

I am pretty sure PrintBoss will allow that, and I seem to recall having configured it to do that in the past when I installed PrintBoss and integrated it with Accpac.

However, my question now is: Can Printboss be configured so each of those three separate copies comes out of a separate tray in a three tray printer? In this case the printer is an HP 3015n laser printer with two separate trays (and an override). When I set up PrintBoss to print each of the three copies of the form, can I specifically indicate which of the two trays each copy should come out of?

Any info on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
edited by Roberto57 on 7/27/2012
edited by Roberto57 on 7/27/2012
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