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Error Messages

Alert for Mis-matched Size and Orientation Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 765

Posts: 765
It has come to our attention that after updating PrintBoss to the latest version, v5.70.0, many PrintBoss users are receiving notification regarding Size and Orientation mismatches when printing checks. In most cases, this message is being received in error, and if the message is ignored, the documents print correctly.

To suppress these alerts, please execute the following steps:

1) In the PrintBoss Master Application window, select Edit, then Form Files.
2) Highlight the form name of the PrintBoss form in question. (Example: QuickBooks users most commonly use the QB_CHK4 form.)
3) Click the ‘Editor’ button.
4) In the right-hand column, the second item from the top is a drop-down box labeled “Size/Orientation Alerts.”
5) Change the “Size/Orientation Alerts” drop-down box to read “Suppress Alerts.”
6) Click ‘OK’ to save the change.

This will eliminate the alerts.

If you have any confusion as to what PrintBoss form needs to be edited, you can select “File->Open Document Workfiles” to see a list of the forms that PrintBoss has used to help identify the form(s) that need to be changed.

Please be aware that in some cases the alert is a valid one and is indicating that the document sent to PrintBoss is not formatted correctly. In these cases, please contact PrintBoss Technical Support to determine the best solution. It is possible that reverting back to the previous executable, v 5.65.1 solves the issue.
edited by Nancy on 6/28/2012
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