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Modifying Forms

Embedding -vs- Referencing Graphics Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 208

Posts: 208
From: Paula Manker [mailto:paula@wellspringsoftware.com]
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 4:23 PM
Subject: RE: Embedding -vs- Referencing Graphics

It is easier to add the logo directly on the PrintBoss Form. The downside of this method is if the logo is located on a server or network drive, network interruptions can prevent the logo from printing on the document. This is rare, but we have seen this behavior.

If you decide to use the Embedded option, the #PIC command must be added on the RunTime Objects tab below the #Assigns. This will ensure the logo is placed behind all other objects so nothing else is accidentally blocked out. The downside of this method is the work file is larger and may print more slowly, depending on the processing speed of the computer and the amount of RAM available.

Hope this helps. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
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email submissions
Posts: 173

email submissions
Posts: 173
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 11:34 AM
To: Paula Manker
Subject: Embedding -vs- Referencing Graphics

Hello Paula, Hope all is well with you and that you are looking forward to Thanksgiving!

You were dealing with Rob here at our office regarding a memory issue when trying to print a Crystal report with PrintBoss. You and Rob discussed moving the graphic out of the Crystal report and into the PrintBoss Form file. I was wondering which was better: to reference the graphic in the form file or embedding the graphic into the form file? Is one way quicker than the other? What are the pros and cons of these methods?
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